My Top 5 Inducers of Happy - International Day of Happiness
Monday 20 March 2017 marks the International Day of Happiness. A day dedicated to committing to happy feels? I'm in.
The #InternationalDayOfHappiness was founded on the idea of creating more happiness in the world we live in (a beautiful idea indeed).
Here are my top 5 fave ways to feel happier every day (but especially on IDOH, duh):
1. M O V E.
Studies indicate a link between exercise and experiencing more positive, happy thoughts and feelings. Those of us who are regularly on the move are less likely to suffer from mental health issues, as exercise can help to improve our mood, reduce our levels of stress, and increase our self-confidence. Whether it's a short walk daily, some yoga, a dance class, or something hardcore...get moving, girlfriend!
2. E A T M O R E C H O C.
...this is a tough one, I know. But seriously, cacao and dark chocolate are mood boosters. Cacao (containing all the chocolatey goodness, without the sugar - big tick!) increases serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a chemical responsible for maintaining happiness, calming anxiety and alleviating symptoms of depression. Manufactured by the body in the brain and intestines, serotonin may affect mood, memory, sleep, digestion, appetite and social behavior. Turmeric, green tea and fermented foods also help boost serotonin. Happy eating!
3. F I N D T H E S I L V E R L I N I N G.
The International Day of Happiness recommend that people look for what's good in life to feel happy, and I couldn't agree more. Thinking about the positive things that have happened in our lives, or beautiful things we've heard or thought about recently, can quite literally = happy thinking. Journaling and writing a gratitude list (a list of all of the wonderful things we're grateful for in life) are some of my favourite ways to think happy.
4. S E L F C A R E.
Not only does treating yo'self feel great and do wonders for our mood; taking care of ourselves, living healthily, eating healthily, and regularly exercising encourages our body to return to its healthiest state - allowing for all of the chemicals and hormones in our beautiful bods (like serotonin) to do their thang, and make us feel happy. Massage is just one of the feel good things you can do for yourself that actually works. Massages feel fab, and have been proven to promote both physical and mental relaxation, and elevated moods.
5. G I V E M O R E.
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” A happy life is certainly one in which we give more: whether its our time, love, material presents, or just our presence...making someone else happy makes for some beautiful karma! Just remember to not drain your resources and leave yourself with nothing more to give - put that self care of yours first where you can. And give to yourself, too!
"I will try to create more happiness in the world around me"
What makes you feel your happiest?