Boosting Your Little One's Immunity

As Autumn draws to a close, and Winter begins to creep in, everywhere you turn feels like it’s infection central…especially your little one’s day care or school.
Upper respiratory tract infections (or URTIs for short) affect the lungs, airways, throat and sinuses, and cause colds, coughs, sore throats, sneezing, runny or blocked noses, and fever. Most children catch up to 10 URTIs per year (those in primary school can contract between 6 to 12 per year), with little pre-schoolers around three times more likely to catch one!
So… what can you do to protect your little one this URTI season?
1. P R O B I O T I C P O W E R
It’s been shown that lactobacilli and bifidobacterial probiotics can be effective in reducing not only the number or URTIs your child might catch, but the duration of each. The British Journal of Nutrition’s recent review found that probiotics can reduce the number of ‘sick days’ by 30% on average!
2. O U T D O O R P L A Y E V E R Y D A Y
Expose your child to a little sunlight, and a lot of immune-boosting Vitamin D, each day by encouraging outdoor play. Don’t forget to also encourage good old fashioned regular handwashing, too. Both habits can help keep those coughs and colds at bay.
Fight URTIs hand-in-hand with your little ones and natural medicine this cold & flu season!
Reference: BioCeuticals FX Medicine Magazine, 4 May 2018.